RE: Good Enough

“You are enough.
Paint it on your mirrors,
on the back of your eyelids,
drown it in your stomach,
sing it in every word you say.
You are never too much.
Eat your food,
sleep eight hours,
walk like you love yourself.
You are enough.
Say it in your sleep,
mantras to carry you through your day.
There is never enough of you.
You are a thirst that is never quenched.
I crave you when you’re away.
I love every piece of you.
But I cannot make you love yourself.”
— Michelle K., You Are Enough.

Good Enough.

I don't feel beautiful enough.
I don't feel smart enough.
I don't feel interesting enough.
I don't feel funny enough.
I don't feel feminine enough.
I don't feel kind enough.
I don't feel mature enough.
I don't feel good enough.

I don't feel like I have what it takes for any one man to want to pursue me, and only me.
I see other women and can't help but think about their outstanding qualities.
I just don't feel like a guy thinks I'm entirely worth it.
I watch what I say. What I do. In fear of running someone away.
I usually always regret anyone.

I just want a man to want me. I want him to say "Whatever it takes, I want to get to know her. No one else, but her."

I just want to feel special.
Worth it.

*I feel the need to elaborate, but I don't feel the need to explain myself.

Encourage yourself.

Wrap your arms around your body 
and whisper in your ear,
"There is no one on this world like you.
No one can ever replace you."
Now place your hand on your heart.
"You feel that? It's called life.
It's called purpose."
Look into your eyes.
"If there is something you need to be sure of, know that 
you have been, you are, and you will always be,

Sit down next to yourself.
Hold your hand.
Close your eyes.

"What you think you knew about yourself,
doesn't matter.
I think the world of you."

Cry on your shoulder.

"I love you."
I finally stopped questioning God's love for me.
From then on, I questioned love for myself.