Mr. Trashman

Thank you Mr. Trashman,

 I thought you were swinging by your home while on the job, but I soon realized you pulled into the driveway of a complete stranger who forgot to roll their trash to the curb this morning to check if they even had trash to dump, after lifting the lid to confirm, you proceeded to continue your job, exceeding what's expected of you.

You didn't have to be considerate enough to move your huge truck out of the street.
You didn't have to get out in the moderately cold weather to check a trashcan.
And you certainly didn't have to go out of your way to help in the way that you did.

Thank you for loving your neighbor and extending grace. Thank you for being an example for me.



I envy those who can hear Gods voice clearly.

I envy those more who can hear God at all.


I've never felt so lonely and horny before in my life. 

And on Christmas Eve of all days.

Guess I'll play music, dance in my underwear topless, and scramble some eggs.

This is life.

Worthy to Wed

This year has been tremendously full of romance and love. I've attended three wedding, known of many more ceremonies, and have been notified of engagements. Every time I turn around the question has been popped and vows have been exchanged. With each moment I was excited for my own future; dating, engagement, marriage. 

The more weddings I attended the more discouraged I became. Not necessarily because I don't think it can happen for me, but because I don't think I deserve to be married. Each time I heard the pastor speak of the holy sanction of marriage I sunk deeper into my seat because I do not think I am, or will be, the kind of person that should hold that title. The saving of the heart, the chasing after Christ, the ability to be a godly wife and mother. I can't even be a godly single woman correctly, let a lone be united with another for the rest of our lives.