invisible children

Invisible Children.
The Rescue of Joesph Kony's Child Soldiers.
"The war in northern Uganda has been called the most neglected humanitarian emergency in the world today. For the past 23 years, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and the Government of Uganda (GoU) have been waging a war that has left nearly two million innocent civilians caught in the middle. The GoU's attempt to protect its citizens from this rebel militia has largely failed, resulting in an entire generation of youth that has never known peace."

To learn more and become a supporter of the Invisible Children please click here.
There you can learn more, get involved, donate and buy cool merch like the tee-shirt I'm wearing below.

"I Heart The LRA."

such a huge ego.

"Taylor, I'm really happy for you, and I'm gonna let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time!"

I am so very disappointed in Kanye right now.
Im a fan and I love his music, but he had no right what so ever to do what he did.We all know he's very arrogant and has this huge ego [no pun intended] but c'mon now. There are certain lines you DO NOT cross. Even if that's what most of us was thinking, it wasn't appropriate to actually say it, especially in Taylors face. That is something you discuss on your own time, express how you feel to your friends and family, seriously?? This was probably one of the biggest moments of her life and he disregarded that for his own selfish reasons. Kanye always knows how to make bold and outlandish statements doesn't he? "As he had numerous times before, West made sure an awards show spotlight shone on him." ALL EYES ON KANYE. Or should I say Martin Louis the King Jr, the new name he's given himself, or the "New King of Pop". smh. He did apologize in his blog stating, " I feel like Ben Stiller in 'Meet the Parents' when he messed up everything and Robert De Niro asked him to leave.... That was Taylor's moment and I had no right in any way to take it away from her. I am truly sorry." Some apology right? Please get yourself together Mr. West and act like you got some sense.

& his new arm candy, Amber Rose, for the past few mess.



September 11, 2001.

The terrorists attacked September 11th, 2001, I when in the 4th grade. I remember a teacher from another room came in and interrupted our class so that she could tell my teacher something, something that seemed very important by the pale washed-out look on her face. She went blank. We didn't understand what was going on and she certainly wasn't saying anything. Soon after she turned on the T.V. and flipped to the news; the first thing i saw was a burning building. My first thought, "What's the big deal? Buildings burn all the time." I wasn't being heartless or what not but I didn't understand why this building was so important that it deserved so much news time. Shortly after, live, a saw the second plan run into another building, oddly looking just like the last. Being nine years old, I had no clue as to what the "Twin Towers" were. The teacher quickly turned off the television and at that moment I began to realize just how serious the situation was.

This was something not discussed in my house but it still affected me crucially. I couldn't and still can understand how something that vile could be done to others. I became obsessed. I read as many books as I could, watched as many documentaries that I could handle. Every channel captured my attention; TLC, Discovery, History, Time. I wanted to know everything. I listened to interviews from historians, victims families, survivors, anyone who knew even the slightest bit of information. I wanted to know it all. I even wrote poetry on the topic, which was praised by my 5th grade class. The World Trade Centers and the devastation upon them weighed heavily on me, and I didn't mind.

My Image
"The planes were hijacked, the buildings fell, and thousands of lives were lost nearly a thousand miles from here. But the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were an attack on the heart of America.
And standing here in the heartland of America, we say in one voice:
We will not give in to terrorists;
We will not rest until they are found and defeated;
We will win this struggle, not for glory, nor wealth, nor power, but for justice, for freedom, and for peace;
So help us God."
--Tom Harkin

"I may never be normal again. But this is my life now. I have to live it."
Manu Dhingra, 27, a securities broker who suffered burns over a third of his body but was released from the hospital Oct. 2.

I am an advocate for peace and It breaks my heart to know that such things happen, not just to us, but to the world. As I type this my eyes well up for the pain of America. My heart aches for everyone, including the ones who did this horrendous task. Some of which didn't know they were even going to be apart of. To them it was a "duty" of God.

"Hostility toward America is a religious duty." Osama bin Laden, TIME, 1999

For a more detailed explanation visit This isn't the exact article that I studied in school but it's pretty close but I'll certainly try to find the other. Also, for a fictionally yet realistic view of New York City after read Falling Man by Don Delillo.


September 11, 2001

An open letter to a terrorist:

Well, you hit the World Trade Center, but you missed America! You hit the Pentagon, but you missed America! You used helpless American bodies, to take out other American bodies, but like a poor marksman, you STILL missed America!

Why? Because of something you guys will never understand. America isn't about a building or two, not about financial centers, not about military centers, America isn't about a place, America isn't even about a bunch of bodies. America is about an IDEA. An idea, that you can go someplace where you can earn as much as you can figure out how to, live for the most part, like you envisioned living, and pursue happiness. (No guarantees that you'll reach it, but you can sure try!)

Go ahead and whine your terrorist whine, and chant your terrorist litany: "If you can not see my point, then feel my pain." This concept is alien to Americans. We live in a country where we don't have to see your point. But you're free to have one. We don't have to listen to your speech, but you're free to say one. Don't know where you got the strange idea that everyone has to agree with you. We don't agree with each other in this country, almost as a matter of pride. We're a collection of guys that don't agree, called States. We united our individual states to protect ourselves from tyranny in the world. Another idea, we made up on the spot. You CAN make it up as you go, when it's your country.

If you're free enough.

Yeah, we're fat, sloppy, easy-going goofs most of the time. That's an unfortunate image to project to the world, but it comes of feeling free and easy about the world you live in. It's unfortunate too, because people start to forget that when you attack Americans, they tend to fight like a cornered badger. The first we knew of the War of 1812, was when England burned Washington D.C. to the ground. Didn't turn out like England thought it was going to, and it's not going to turn out like you think, either. Sorry, but you're not the first bully on our shores, just the most recent.

No Marquis of Queensbury rules for Americans, either. We were the FIRST and so far, only country in the world to use nuclear weapons in anger. Horrific idea, nowadays? News for you bucko, it was back then too, but we used it anyway. Only had two of them in the whole world and we used 'em both. Grandpa Jones worked on the Manhattan Project. Told me once, that right up until they threw the switch, the physicists were still arguing over whether the Uranium alone would fission, or whether it would start a fissioning chain reaction that would eat everything. But they threw the switch anyway, because we had a War to win. Does that tell you something about American Resolve?

So who just declared War on us? It would be nice to point to some real estate, like the good old days. Unfortunately, we're probably at war with random camps, in far-flung places ... who think they're safe. Just like the Barbary Pirates did, IIRC. Better start sleeping with one eye open.

There's a spirit that tends to take over people who come to this country, looking for opportunity, looking for liberty, looking for freedom. Even if they misuse it. The Marielistas that Castro emptied out of his prisons, were overjoyed to find out how much freedom there was. First thing they did when they hit our shores, was run out and buy guns. The ones that didn't end up dead, ended up in prisons. It was a big PITA then (especially in south Florida), but you're only the newest PITA, not the first.

You guys seem to be incapable of understanding that we don't live IN America, America lives in US! American Spirit is what it's called ... and killing a few thousand of us, or a few million of us, won't change it. Most of the time, it's a pretty happy-go-lucky kind of Spirit, until we're crossed in a cowardly manner, then it becomes an entirely different kind of Spirit!

Wait until you see what we do with that Spirit, this time.

Sleep tight, if you can. We're coming.

author unknown

My Dream: World Peace.


my mission.

Stronger and stronger, day by day, the puzzle pieces of our mistakes holds the key to the perfection of our lives.

From birth until death, I wonder how I will cope with the fact that life is not perfect. Accepting the truth and reality, the laughter and the sorrow, and yet the feelings never change. The feelings of fear and excitement. Littlest things can make my heart smile, but knowing that it will not last forever, I head out to look for my next source of happiness. Keeping myself, family and friends happy is my mission
c o m p l e t e d

Too often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring...all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

My Dream; Happiness.



Owl City.

Listen & LOVE.
You will be hooked.


White Washed.

White washed - A black person who lacks the characteristics associated with black people. In other words a black person who acts like a white person. Often caused by being raised in the suburbs.(

I am one of those black people.
I am who I am and people seem to have a problem with that.
Just because I speak properly and use correct grammar most of the time doesn't not make me "white washed",
it makes you ignorant for believing such...ignorance.

My biggest concern is music.
Those who know me well (which is very few) know
I love alll genres of music, 80s hip hop being my fav.
But when I listen to bands like Boys Like Girls,
Cobra Starship, Framing Hanley, Kings of Leon....
When it comes down to music its about how it makes you feel
and the words that speak to you.
Im sorry but Boosie and Webbie DONT speak to me.
I cannot relate to anything they talk about.
And if every other word is cussing
how in the world am i supposed to enjoy that. To me that is not "music".
That's why I loved older jams; music now is just noise.
Doing what they can, however they can just to make a dollar.
I will say that the beats and instrumentals are a lot better but thats all I can say.
So until rap and hip hop get it together, I shall remain "white washed".

My Dream; Unity.



So I was listening to that one car insurance commercial, you know. The one talking about dumb laws like "its illegal to transport an ice cream cone in your pocket". I've decided to look up the most ridiculous laws and discuss them. :]

In Bozeman, Montana, a law prohibits all sexual activity from the front yard of a home after sundown.
-So does it make it okay if it's before sundown. What if it's the backyard? How specific can you get?? I know, lets add "...without a blanket." Better? ;]

In Oklahoma, you can be arrested for making ugly faces at a dog.
-Seriously?? What if the dog's ugly? It's so sad that people treat dogs better than they treat one another. It isn't like the dogs knows what going on; its feelings are badly hurt and he's now scarred for like, having social issues with other k9s and is now leading a lonely life...

In Danville, Pennsylvania, all fire hydrants must be checked one hour before all fires.
-"Can someone check the hydrants please? I believe I'm going to have a house fire while cooking dinner in about an hour. Just to be on the safe side. Thanks." Need I say more?

In Wilbur, Washington, it is illegal to ride an ugly horse.-hmm...but can I make an ugly face at it?

In Florida, it is illegal to fart in a public place after 6 P.M. on Thursdays.
-Lets not get too comfortable at Bojangle's you guys.

In the state of Washington, it is illegal to have sex with a virgin under any circumstances. (Including the wedding night.)
-Someone please explain to me! I really can't grasp this concept. That has to mean that the whole state should be virgin's of going by the Bible stating that there should but no sex until marriage. What if they want kids, for the sake of man kind DON'T go to Washington a virgin. I don't understand....

In Lexington, Tennessee no one may eat ice cream on the sidewalk. Spitting on the sidewalk is prohibited.
-C'mon you guys! Eat your ice cream in the STREET for goodness sakes. And please spit on the cars. What were you thinking? gosh.

Also in Tennessee; you can't shoot any game other than whales from a moving automobile.
-Where the heck are there WHALES in TENNESSEE?! And is it fine if I shoot any other game when NOT from a moving automobile? Who the heck does that?

In Texas,
it is illegal to milk another person's cow.
-"Oh my bad homie, I thought she was mine."

In Alabama,
You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.
- Well shoot. There goes my afternoon snack. Seriously though, who does that and why in the world would it be illegal??

A few more to be mentioned:
Bear wrestling matches are prohibited.
Boogers may not be flicked into the wind.
Kangaroos are not allowed in barber shops at any time.
A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month.
Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs.
Whistling underwater is prohibited.
It is illegal to tickle women.
When a person reaches the age of 50, he/she can then marry their cousin.
It is illegal to detonate any nuclear weapon. You can have them, but you just can't detonate them.

For more, google "crazy laws".



Let the flood gates of my mind open...