looking back.

I was looking through my blog from September 2009 to now, and I have certainly come a long way. I realize what meant a lot to me at those times, and what means a lot to me now. My life has changed drastically. I went from being in a happy relationship, to a rocky one, to becoming single. I went from depressed to the happiest I've ever been. I went from being a foul mouth girl, to a lady who wouldn't even consider saying such words. I went from not even thinking about God, to Him being the main focus in my life.

I laughed. I reminisced. I cried.

I now realize I may not be over a few things, but I can certainly live without them.


  1. I can so closely relate to this.

    It's amazing how when hearing adults tell me that "you're going to change" and "you'll realize everything when you get older" I used to roll my eyes and hum. Now that I am older, everything they told me would happen, is happening. I'm realizing my growth in maturity as well as my metamorphism of the mind.

    Thanks for sharing this post, I agree.

    Kimberly, FWB

  2. That True. its always crazy to look back at old post and remember where your head was at when you wrote that.
