We met at 11 years of age, during a time when the only thing we had to worry about was improper fractions and who liked who. Well we liked each other, but like most middle school romances, it didn't last long. Six years went by without a glance of his face nor a sound of his voice. We saw each other briefly until the next year when we just so happened to attend the same university. We kicked it for a semester, the sparks were definitely there, but once again... it quickly died. He went his way; I went mine. That was two years ago.

I get a phone call, I missed it, I called back. We asked the typical questions. You know, the "Hey, how's it going?"'s and the "How's school?"'s and the "What you been up to?"'s.

And he cut to the chase. The real reason he called. He wanted to know how I got and stayed so "religious", as he called it. I told him my testimony, and why I've been sustained. It was only by the grace of God, and reverence for His majesty. I owe God my life. It belongs to Him. My friend then shared what the Lord has done in his life recently, and I cried.

The very last thing he did was apologize. For hurting me in the past, for pressuring me, and for leaving. I could not control the tears. God is turning him into the man that he is destined to be. And if you knew what I know, my God! what a transformation that is. The things of this world cannot compare to the mighty works of the Lord.

This is why God's not dead.

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