What two year olds have taught me

Today is officially a month since I started childcare, and man haven't I learned a lot.

The World is your Oyster
Or better yet, the world is your playground. If you can't find the fun, then create it wherever you are. For the past few months I've been feeling stuck, as if I'm missing out on all of the fun. What a ridiculous thought. While I'm in my current location and situation, I might as well make the best of it. Wherever I am, at this moment, I have the ability to create my own happiness.

Stop taking things too serious.
I probably shouldn't let them play swords with their spoons during lunchtime or allow them to sit in the cubbyholes, but it's just a spoon and cubbyholes make for a great game of hide-and-go-seek. It's not that serious to stress out over. The same goes for the little things in life; relax, stopping stressing.

Sometimes it's okay to want attention 
If one child gets hurt and falls into my arms for comfort, another child will soon pout "Ow! My head. Oww!" Although they were right beside me and nothing happened, I would kiss the fake wound anyhow. In a world of billions of people competing, wanting to be seen and heard is okay once in a while. Be proud to be the life of the party, aim to be a best seller and not just an author, and always introduce yourself.

And sometimes it's not about you at all...just accept it.
There's one child particular in my class who wants it his way 100% of the time. We must read his favorite book and listen to his favorite song, although a majority of the children want otherwise (and asked first). I gently let him know that we will read his book after, or another day, and try to explain to him why. We won't always get our way, but life keeps moving. We won't always get the perfect parking spot, that promotion, or the last word.

Find the joy in little things
Remember the bird feeder I mentioned in my last post? Well that little feeder brings great joy to the children when a bird perches upon it. Suddenly I'll hear "It's a bird, it's a bird!" and the entire room is filled with jumping kids and laughter. A few days ago, I got bored during lunchtime and began to whistle. They enjoyed that so much they couldn't complete their tiny meals. A fit of giggles broke out and a few even attempted to whistle themselves. As adults, we tend to forget the things that brought our hearts joy as a child. Shame on us. 

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