I feel behind in life compared to my counterparts who never went to college or who did not choose a four year track.

While I'm completely broke and jobless, I have no car, I literally have nothing but on top of that I have 25k in school debt.

"Go to college," they say. "You'll be ahead of everyone," they say.

Everyone I know who didn't go to college have found careers, not jobs, but careers. They have money, they have the ability to purchase new cars, and clothes and food, and things they want. For goodness sake my sister makes more than my mama!

I know I don't know everyone's story, but everyone around is certainly looking well off than I am.

I feel so behind. Like a loser and a failure.

I graduate college in 2 months and it's hard for me to be happy. I don't even have a freakin' plan after school.

Ugh, and now I feel like a stupid brat for crying and complaining.


  1. Wow. I feel the same way!! So you're not alone. I went to college and still haven't found a real career. Yes, I have a part-time job, but that's not where I saw myself headed after 6 years out of high school. I've been so down and out lately. But you gotta self motivate. Sometimes you have to just "Go for It". I had big dreams in high school, but they seemed to fade away after college. But i'm starting to remember what I use to want in life & i'm just going to throw caution to the wind & follow my dreams in hopes they'll take me further & make me feel happy & fulfilled.

    Keep your hopes up!! Best Wishes :)

  2. I know exactly how you're feeling, because I feel the same way. I graduated 2 years ago and I have barely went anywhere in life. Pinching pennies while trying to pay bills and stuck with a part-time job that pays too little for all that I do. I have no car or place on my own as well. However, I keep pushing knowing that soon enough that one opportunity will present itself and life will be all the more pleasant. I will actually be happy. Keep your head up and distance yourself from the comparisons of your peers. God has a plan for you. And remember, setbacks pave the way for a major come back.
