dreads and septums.

This is what I look like with dreads and a septum; two things I've wanted for awhile now. The dreads and the septum ring are fake. Lol. My friend had a faux rings so she could see how a lip piercing would look on her (she now has her lip pierced), and it never occurred to me to do the same. So...I stole one of hers for the time being. I'd rather test the looks out than to commit to both and waste my time and money. :)

I'm getting a few piercings in a few days, but the septum certainly has to wait. I'm not ready for it. Just the thought of getting it makes me cringe. Lol.

But yeah, in the near future, I will have them both. :)


  1. you can always flip ur septum in (inside your nose) if u get sometimes tired of it
