When Sunday comes around I can't wait to go to post secrets and read envy how brave these people are. To send your deepest secrets to a complete stranger, which I suppose is easier than telling someone you know and love. From the fear of being ridiculed, shunned or lack of  being understood even a tad bit. It's not easy to tell someone a part of you; to you it means the world, to them, not so much. I sit and read...alone, since I'm always alone. It's the only connection with others' emotion I ever really get these days. I feel for them.

I still believe it's mine.

And I don't think my dad ever will...alive or not.

I lost the post secret that means the most to me & I with I could thank that person who sent it in. It's good to know that I'm not the only one. Maybe it was meant for me not to share.

1 comment:

  1. I love "post secrets". Truly are brave to put it out there, indeed.
