31411: rejoice and be glad in it.

When I'm having a terrible day, the first thing I usually say is "I can't wait for this day to be over." I complain about how terrible it is and wish that day never happened.

I thought hard one day about that simple line, "I can't wait for this day to be over." and  started thanking God that the day wasn't over. Why? Because there are people who were probably having the best days of their lives and it was probably over before they knew it. There are people who wished that day would never end, but they aren't here with us today. I will try to never take a day for granted again. Instead I will praise Him through it all because I know He will make a way despite all that I may go through.

As I was typing the very first line I made a typo that I quickly corrected, but then realized it wasn't a typo at all. I typed "I can't wait for his day to be over." His day. It really is His day, and for me to wish it were over or never happened is ungrateful of me.

For this is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.


  1. this is an awesome post it reminded me that everyday is a blessing!! a year ago today a friend of mine died unexpectedly and it really made me realize that life is a gift...the hard times are temporary and the good always out shines the bad days! ive def learnd to be more grateful no matter what i may be goin thru :)

  2. This is so true! We need to give God praise for everyday not just the one's that we enjoy

  3. =D! this is how I felt today! above all else we are all blessed by the most high...<3
