daily prayer.

Heavenly Father,
     I know that Lord Jesus that You are my Lord and my King, and you intercede for me. You are a loving and forgiving God and I ask You Lord to forgive me for all my sins and any un-forgiveness that I may have in my heart, I ask You Lord to forgive me for not always making You a priority in my life. I know You are strong and I need Your help right now. I am being tempted to do things that are not good for me. Give me strength Lord to say no to these pressures. Help me to find good and Godly things to keep me busy. You are my strength, Lord. I know, Lord, that You understand all the temptations that I face and what it will take to keep me from being lured in the wrong direction. So, Lord, I trust in You to know my heart and keep me from these worldly traps. Help me Lord to receive fully, with understanding, Your Word in James 1:3-4, so that when my faith is tested, my endurance has a chance to grow. I know that You will guide me along the right pathway for my life and that You will advise me and watch over me. I know Lord that You are my counselor and that I should always depend on You. I am in need of Your guidance. I don't know what to do (Psalm 32:8). Help me to do what You want done in all situations that I must face. Please Lord, put godly people in my path to show me the steps I need to take.I know Lord that there are friends who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). I ask You, Lord to help me find the kinds of friends that will be closer than a brother. Help me Lord to be the kind of friend to others that I would want for myself. Open my eyes to see the good qualities in people around me. There are so many questions that I need to ask. I want to do that right thing instead of wearing a mask. Heavenly Father, I ask for You to show Your face when I feel like giving up. Remind me of your unconditional love when I seem to have no hope in me. I know Lord that You will continue the battle for me when I can't. I want to learn to cling to You when I am going in the wrong direction. Help me to keep my thoughts on You when I become weak. Help me to continue to Praise You during low times. I thank You, Heavenly Father, for reaching down into my world and drawing me close to You. Thank You for allowing me to soak up Your strength. I thank You Lord for never giving up on me, even when I've given up on myself. Make me into the worthwhile person you destined me to be. Teach me to know Your Will for my life. I know You have a great plan for me - help me to find it. I praise You Lord for the comfort that You bring by just listening to me.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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