Judgmental Friend

Judgmental Friend
A perfect oxymoron. But is there really such a thing?

Any person hypocritical of your thoughts, opinions, looks, and/or actions is not a friend. Any person who allows your irrelevant actions affect his/her relationship with you is not a friend…

A friend is not there to judge, a friend is there to support.

Every individual leads his/her own righteous path in life. Although friends may be very close, each one still has a very separate life from the other. Do not worry if your so-called “judgmental friend” stops talking to you and instead talks behind your back because of your irrelevant decision(s). He or she will eventually find one after another to habitually criticize and hate. Anyway, what accomplishments has that person made to qualify their judgment onto you?
If you find yourself making judgments towards your peers, take a step back and think, “Am I any better? What is my purpose here? Is there a lesson for me?”. Although your intentions are not to be mean, you may end up disappointing and hurting someone who wished you for support. Your friend is not perfect and neither are you. Help him/her in whatever (s)he lacks for (s)he is willing to do the same. Stop the egotistical, temperamental attitude. And start being a true friend - show compassion. Remember, you are their friend not their parent.
Never judge your friends for they need someone to stay by their side at every obstacle.

*I will credit later after I find them. :]*


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Preach ! I hate when one of my mutual friends comes to me w. their opinions of our friends decisions . *excuse my french* but shut the fuck up .

    anyways . love this post :)
