tofurky jurky.

I've decided to become a vegetarian...again. This is like my 5th try. I'm already what is called a semi-vegetarian because I don't eat beef nor pork but I occasionally eat chicken and turkey. Pretty much red vs. white. The red meat (beef and pork) are the bad meats because they increase your risk for breast cancer and other health issues. And I just really hate the taste of pork. It's like...uuugggghhhhhh. Disgusting.

Point. Blank. Period.

Ok, speaking of food I just thought of somthing that really blows my mind. One night I open the refrigerator to obviously see what I want to eat. As soon as I open it mama comes in the kitchen and says "Stop standing there with the door open." I'm like "But I'm looking for something to eat." She says "But you don't need to stand there with the door open." I say "Well how else am I suppose to know what I want to eat." And after that we pretty much butt heads a little more.

Wtf is up with that?? Maybe she should take a freakin picture of what's in there and put it on the door. But seriously, I don't understand that whole concept of "DONT STAND THERE WITH THE DOOR OPEN."

This was a pointless post.


  1. Yay! I really hope that you go through with it this time! It's tremendous for your health as well as the environment!!! :D And I can be your Veggie Sistuhh along the way if you need encouragement or tips or recipes or whatevs... although you may not need them seeing as you love to research your upcoming decisions and probably know everything about it... but whatever, my offer stands. ;]

    And I am proud of you for TRYING and WANTING to better your life/be different. :D

  2. your eyes look so beautiful on your header!
