respect it.

i wasn't going to post anything else until after exams but i just had to post this one.

Respect It.

"...i break the rules so i don't care."


  1. why "respect it" if shes clearly not respecting herself???

  2. rihanna is hot!
    i dont believe she is disrespecting herself with this cover. i believe nudity is a lovely thing. she is a strong woman and i feel this portrays it, although she could have done the same with[more] clothes on, i aint mad at her.

    it'll all on how you look at it.
    she isnt completely naked and you could come back with "but she pretty much is"...almost doesnt count.

    also, there are other ads such as peta that have full blown billboards with naked women on them for the "i'd rather go naked than wear fur" campaign. are those woman disrespecting themselves too?

  3. the dove commercials features naked woman. what makes this any different?

  4. uhmmm. im in love with this cover. && her. holy cow. &&i meant to comment your other post abt nudity because i went crazy! in my head i was like "I LIKE MYSELF NAKED TOO!" haha. ily.
