RE: GIRLS, you know what I'm talking about.

"I hate how I get so worked up when you don’t respond. A bajillion questions come into my head like, “Did I do something wrong? Does he not wanna talk to me anymore” and stuff along those lines. And in the process of my conscience questioning me, I probably checked my phone for any new text messages like ten times in the time span of 2 minutes. And when I do get a text message, I slowly inhale and hope that it’s you. If it is you, I debate whether or not what I’m responding with is a legitimate response.You know- not too forward, not too uninterested, and not too friendly, but just right. And once I think I got my wordplay on lock, I close my eyes and press the send button. Sometimes, I even wait a while before I send it so it’d seem like I’m not too clingy. But then again I don’t wanna seem too distant, so, after my experience with this stuff- I guess you can say I’ve pretty much got my timing down. And then I wait. Sometimes, I wait around for too long and I start to get worried and insecure. “What if he really doesn’t like me? What did I do wrong THIS time?!” and the whole cycle re-occurs again and again …. and again."

The bold would be the story of my life...