Fall break.

...is officially over.
It went by entirely too fast for my liking. I'm in the school's library now, realizing that I'm back to reality, somewhere I don't care to be. I wanna stay lost in my imagination. It's funny how I dread being in here yet just about everyday freshman and sophomore year I pretty much lived in the library. I would come just to look at the books, look up new things on the computer, and even check out about 4 or 5 books at a time. I love to read and miss it. It's different when you're told to read something but when you choose your own book to read, whether you judge the book by the picture on the cover or the title or whatever it is, it's something you want to do, for your own enjoyment. No one wants to read a book they're forced to read then write an impossible paper about it-- But to be completely honest, now that I'm complaining about it, I've read some of the best books by being forced. I guess we all should just be open about things and keep a positive mind. But still, it's just not the same.

The "best books" I've read include Paradise Lost by John Milton. One of my favorite quotes comes from this great work of art:
"The mind is its own place and in itself
Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven."

And many many many more. Seriously though. Reading is amazing. You can put yourself in a whole new life. If you get into books like I do [and I realllyyy get into them] you can feel what they feel, see what they see just as they see it. You come alive in the text and if a book doesn't do that then it was poorly written and I'm sorry you even picked it up. Very few books have left me feeling that way and I miss that feeling. hmmm.....while I'm in here I think I just might pick something up.

Ta Ta.
Have a nice day loves. ; )

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