bite my tongue.

I'm not positive what exactly is going on with my relationship but it's causing me to cry at just the thought of us. For the past week there has been tension between to two of us over something that I've tried to avoid but obviously couldn't. He feels like I don't think about him in my actions or thoughts while he says everything he does he thinks about me. I asked him if that was true and he said yes. I don't believe it.

He's done quite a few things that had hurt my feelings and made me sick that I haven't confronted him about because I would rather avoid confrontations. I bite my tongue too often with him therefore he doesn't know how I feel about the things he does that irritate me. Just like he accused me of not thinking of him when the truth really is I do -- I always think of him!-- possibly it's the same around. Neither one of us really know we're hurting the other, the only difference is he confronts me and I'm the bad guy once again.

So instead of talking through this, I've been ignored. Rarely a phone call or text.
& to make matters worse, apparently he doesn't love me when we argue.
The only "Love you." I've gotten all week was the one right after I told him.

If you loved me you would tell me no matter what.
If you loved me you wouldn't wait for me to call just because I said I would.
If you loved me you wouldn't tell me just because I told you.

Great. Just fcking great.



  1. i love you shelby! i know exactlyyyy how you feel because as u know i just got out of this situation. &&yea it does suck. but i would just advise to keep trying to talk to him abt it. yall cant break up too!! yall will make it, i can feel it. im always here for you if you need me :] <333

  2. I'm sorry that you and Jalen are going through rough times. I hope that you guys get through it soon, because with the way things are going out here in Nashville/Antioch, everyone needs a shoulder they can lean on and a hug or an embrace they can get whenever they want. I'm truly confident that you guys will last, so whatever you do, just DON'T GIVE UP, Shelburrss... I love you. :]

  3. Lol. We're good now I supposed. Thanks for the love and concern.
    We're not breakin up anytime soon. :)
    I love both of yall!
