White washed.

(adj) - 1To be assimilated into the N.A society, forgetting your own language and culture and tries to act like a white person to gain acceptance. Looked down upon both of the cultures he/she supposedly belongs in. 2What a black person is called, when they either look or act white, and their "blackness" is washed away, leaving white. 3A derogatory term used to describe a minority who has assimilated with western society.

I've already touched on this subject before but I feel like I should talk about it once more seeing as how for the past few days I've heard "Shelby, you're white." on more than one occasion. I've been hearing this for so long now that it doesn't even bother me anymore but I am a little irritated that people are so ignorant and closed minded to such a topic as this one. As far as the definitions I posted about what the term means, I suppose #2 would apply more to myself.

I don't like fried chicken and I don't remember the last time I had kool aid. I've never had weave, except my wig for prom, nor has it been a crazy color. I don't have visible tattoos on my neck, wrist, etc... I don't talk during a movie at the theater. I don't wear Apply Bottom, Baby Phat, Roca Wear, etc... I shop at Forever 21 and Goodwill. I don't steal or kill. I don't like thugs. I don't own $200 dollar shoes. I couldn't quote a Boosie, Webbie, or Waka Flocka song. I don't wear fake nails and if I do I don't get designs or 3D art. I don't have a big butt. I pronounce just about all of my words correctly and say "like" quite often. I don't cuss that much and if I do it's with a group of friends and I'm really cautious if there are adults around out of respect.Well today I let one slip. :)

I may sound like I'm stereotyping black people but in actuality I'm the one that's stereotyped because of these things. I honestly don't understand how some things can be a black/white thing besides the color of our skin and our origin. I remember one of my friends saying she was going to start listening to "white music" and it really rubbed me the wrong way because music is universal. It just so happens that a majority of a race prefers one over the other. I just so happen not to prefer rap because there is no soul behind the music. Just because I use correct grammar most of the time doesn't make me any less "black." Excuse me for being educated. Aren't we the ones who fought for such an opportunity as an equal education and we aren't even taking advantage of the fact that we have it? It's a shame that my own race believes I'm another because I choose to live a different lifestyle. I'm at a loss for words right now...


  1. this is soooo true. im feelinq this.

  2. Shelburrss, I never thought you were white or white-washed. :] I love you, the beautiful BLACK you. You'll always be the same beautiful black woman I knew for these past eight years.
