
I've been a semi vegetarian for sometime now, transitioning to become a vegetarian, but the way I live, where I live, and who I live with have been making it hard. My new challenge is to become a pescitarian, meaning I only eat seafood, but before I'm fully a pescitarian, I'm going to transition by becoming a polo-pescitarian, seafood and chicken. The amount of chicken I eat will be cut down to at least half. I really hope I can go through with this. :)


  1. you go girl! i couldnt do it, sadly. i just gotta have my chicken :P

  2. Pescitarian... Leah taught me that word. :] Although I LOVE the hell outta seafood, I could never just eat that alone. I love chicken and beef. Good luck though, girl.

  3. You can do it! I know you can! And YAY! :D
