Exactly a month from today...

...I will be 18 !
Not only that but I will have my tragus pierced.

Not only that but I will be bald headed. : D
Not only that but I may possibly have a tattoo.

Gahhh !


  1. I have been thinking about your "BC," and how it would look on you. You are a very beautiful girl, Shelburrss... I was reading what someone said to you on your Formspring, and they were totally right. You have amazing style, amazing bone structure. You, girl, can pull off anything. :] I have a question though. By "bald headed," do you mean Michael Jordan bald or like, Amber Rose bald?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lol. Im not really going to be bald!
    Just compared to how long my hair has always been, Ill be bald headed.

    & more like Rihanna bald. But it'll be curly.

    Never Amber Rose or MJ. :)
