
In my case I've been waking up at 2 or 3 in the afternoon. This madness has got to stop! I'm literally wasting my day away, especially since I work at 6 most days. I just can't do this anymore. I'm going to start being more productive; reading a book, cleaning my room, writing, drawing. Something other than sleeping my life away, because that's exactly what I'm doing; Sleeping my life away. It's quite sad if you ask me. It's as if I have nothing to wake up to or life for, but I have plenty. *sigh*


  1. I used to do this a couple of summers ago.. then I changed it by exercising, going swimming, making plans with people around ten or one, to asure I was up.

  2. ehh this so use to be me and them my schedule got so hectic that sleeping that long was no longer an option. I think you have to find something that makes you want to get up and get going!!!
