College Advice.

Yesterday I completed my first semester of college. There are some things I wish I could do differently, but for the most part I really enjoyed myself.
  • DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. I cannot stress this enough. If an assignment is due in 2 or 3 weeks do not start on it the day before it's due. You don't have to complete the whole assignment the day it was assigned but it would be wise to at least get a little head start.
  • Do not miss class.
  • I know there is so much to eat and eat and eat and eat, and before you know it that Freshman 15 will be knocking at your love handles and thunder thighs. Don't let it happen...unless you want it to.
  • Manage your time wisely. I know there are going to be parties and social events, but make sure you still have time to get a little school work done. This goes back to procrastination.
  • Protect your rep. There going to be a lot of cute guys (and girls), but don't go crazy.
  • Make friends. There are a lot of social events and activities on campus. Take advantage of it and go make new friends. College is too much fun to be sitting in your dorm room lonely because you don't know anyone.
  • Learn more about who you are. I have learned a butt load about who I am and what I would like to do with my life. College is the perfect place to just be yourself. There are so many weirdos, you'll fit in amongst anyone. :)
  • I know I just said you'll stand out amongst anyone, but STAND OUT! Create an identity. I'm seriously the-girl-with-the-two-toned-fro-and-glasses-who-dresses-weird-and-funky, and I'm completely okay with that. :D
  • Remember that you're paying for this education, don't waste your money.
  • Get involved with anything. Go to sporting events, or play the sport. Join a greek organization. Run for Homecoming court. Get involved with SGA. Or start your own club.
  • Don't go into debt because you're broke and got a credit card. It will haunt you for the rest of your life.
  • Be safe; this means sex, walking to your room alone at night, and going to parties. Be smart.


  1. I love the advice! I can't wait to start college =)
    btw: your two toned fro is cute! lol
