
When people express to me that they love, or simply just like me, I get scared and nervous. Because at the very moment that I realize I'm important to someone, I realize that I can never let them down. I cannot disappoint them. I cannot upset them. I cannot make them feel as if I'd ever hurt them, but the reality is I probably will.

After all, the ones closest to you are the ones that can hurt you the hardest.

1 comment:

  1. First, I would like to say that I absolutely love the new look of your blog.

    Now, I would like to say that I absolutely agree with you. The ones closest to you are the ones you hurt the most... and I am so guilty of doing just that. I am so used to having this huge wall up around my heart and protecting my feelings from getting hurt. I am so used to pushing everyone away so that I won't get too close. When I feel as if I am on the virge of getting my feelings hurt, my first instinct is to push that person away... And usually, I do so with angry words.

    It sucks.
