I'm cool like that!

I finally got my mutha truckin' tragus pierced!
I freaked out the whole time I was at Ink Gallery. (Ask Sandi. I was acting like a lil poon poon!)
I screamed! But I didn't mean too. I tried to hold it in but man... It wasn't that loud, although folks in the lobby heard me. Lmao.

The first night sleeping with it was fine but let me tell yall about last night!

Ok, so you know when you're sleep you basically have no conscious, right? Well while I was sleeping I felt something in my ear, (which later I realized was my earring touching the other side of my ear...does that make sense?) and without thinking I dug into my freakin ear where the freakin bar is! It hurt like hell! Worst than getting it pierced! It wasn't until a few minutes later that I realized my ear was bleeding badly! Like blood was pouring out of my ear! Drippin and ishh! :(

But it's all good now. Only thing is, I have a blood clot on the bar that I must somehow find a way to get off without irritating it. Ughhh.

But I've been waiting 3 years for this.
It was all worth it and I love it.

Btw- My mama found out about it yesterday. She wasn't too happy. *shrug*


  1. I approve lol
    I once dated a girl with more than a few piercings...its my weakness

  2. I looooove piercings! I will never get a tattoo but I'm keeping all of my piercings! =)

  3. i gt mines wai back in may, it'll heal beautifully,, chec my blog for de pics if u want :)
