The one that got away.

What if the one that got away came back?
Should you let them back in or keep them out? They say "ex's are ex's for a reason" but does that apply to all persons? If someone is no longer in your life, does that mean that it's how it should be. Just because the relationship, and I don't just mean a romance, didn't work out the first time, does it mean that there is never a time that it should work? They also say if you let something go and it comes back then it means so much more. As if he, she or it should have never gotten away, as if it were a mistake that he, she or it, slipped through your grasp.

I suppose it depends on whether you're a realist or an optimist.
A realist would believe that "Things happen for a reason." and that if a certain someone walked out of your life, it was for a reason. An optimist would be hopeful that if a certain someone walked out, they would return and it be a sign that it's how thigs should be.

Just a thought.

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