"...pass by without speaking and I remember there was a time you could barely take your eyes off me."

I hate him. Such a strong word to use toward someone I love so much but nothing else can describe how I feel. I am so furious because I knew this was going to happen and I tried everything in my power to prevent it. I'm angry because I'm going through the same shit I went through last year, the same shit I tried to keep from occuring. I'm upset because I let myself forget that this is reality and not my fantasy. He lied to me and gave me false hope; I gave myself false hope. He was showing me everything I needed to know but I didn't want to accept it. I should have known...

I was reading his actions, not hearing his words.

This is my last post about the situation, for the sake that I really don't want to think about it, although that's inevitable, and the fact that I'm sure I'd irk some nerves talking about it.

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, like a broken heart. I'm sad to hear you're going through this but please know that God has something bigger and better for you. As cliche as that sounds, it's sooo true. Sometimes when God takes things from our grasp he's not trying to punish us but simply trying to open our hands up to receive his blessings. And you can't receive that with a clenched fist.
    I know what you're going through and I pray that God gives you the strength and endurance to get through this. You seem like a strong woman! =)
    Be blessed!
