Movie night.

I decided to get off of the computer for once and do something. Now that we don't have cable anymore I thought it would be a good idea to have movie night with just myself like I've done in the past. I went through all of our DVDs and realized I had watched all of them about a million times and could quote every line. I came across an old school classic, Cornbread, Earl, and Me.

You see that lil cutie on the cover with hair that resembles mine? That would be Laurence Fishburne in 1975, when he was 14. You know, guy from The Matrix, Boyz n the Hood, and Akeelah and the Bee. Well Cornbread, Earl and Me was his first debut acting role. (He played "Me", Wilford Robinson).

I really enjoyed this movie. There is bad acting, dramatic scenes and racial profiling, but if you can look past all of that, you should be able to enjoy it also. It has a great storyline and plot but I have to admit a few scenes did not belong at all.

Oh, and I watched it while eating cookiedough ice cream. :)

Did I just do a movie review?


  1. It seem like nobody has cable anymore.. I know we didn't for a while, just got it back on.. & I was racked on movies and the web.

  2. Omg, I love that movie, lol. I actually cried when they killed Cornbread.

  3. Me too!
    & when they we're trying to make Fred and Earl and them not tell what really happened. :'(
