all bang'd up!

I've been getting really sick of my hair being pulled back. I hate it! I feel unattractive because from the front view it looks as though there's no hair there. Well when you're standing in the mirror looking at yourself dead on I guess I would feel like so. Ever since I've been transitioning to be natural aka relaxer free, I've been getting supaaa lazy with my hair since there's two different textures and detangling is a biaaa! So now I just wash it and throw it back. Slicked back buns are all I do and I'm getting so bored with it. I used to curl my hair with flexi rods but once again I had gotten lazy. So now it's back on a daily basis. I do enjoy the waves I must admit. The fellas need to step their wave game up and be afraid of me! Lol.

So my beloved bangs are back. I used to have my bangs with any hair style. Bun, barrett, pony tail...I couldn't stand not having my lil swoop. I'm not even sure if it's a bang for real. I just call it that because it's shorter than the rest of my hair. Well I suppose they're the wispy bangs. :)

BTW- This does NOT look like me & disregard the funny face. Baha.

& I also should have probably put this on my hair blog...

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