Adolescent Ignorance

This post secret is very much actuate to how I feel about my generation. The number might be a tad bit higher on my part though. I really don't understand anything that teens and young adults do and it drives me crazy. Yesterday while at work a co-worker, who just turned 18, asked another for a cigarette. It just made me sick to my stomach. Here are a list of things I can't stand about my/our generation, starting with smoking:
    Smoking: What is the point? Why must you do it at a young age or at all? I understand that it can be a stress reliever but most of the teens who smoke aren't even stressed. Do you like taking years off of your life? Do you enjoy looking all old too early? I just don't understand. Even weed. People have told me "the high is like no other" and blah blah blah. "It makes you feel good." I'm sorry but I have other ways of feeling good. Weed may not be a drug to some people, but an "herb" or whatever but it's still killing brain cells and causing damage to your lungs. Whhhyyyy??
    Drinking: Before I start I would like to state that I used to drink and that whatever I'm about to say isn't going to be hypocritical because I am certainly getting on myself. Once again, what's the point of drinking?? In 2008, three of my friends had died (January, September, & October) so that whole year I was messed up. When the second friend died, I couldn't take the pain so I started drinking to numb it; in October it just got worse. I can't even remember what happened some nights because it was that bad. I found myself in situations that I couldn't get out of but I could have prevented them by coping with my trauma better.And because of one major incident that occurred I told myself I would never drink again. I've only had a few sips over the past year or so but never ever will I get drunk. Drinking only made my situation worse. And I wish other kids knew the dangers of drinking underage. Just because all the rappers talk about it in their songs and talk about all the glitz and glamor of drinking, there's still really no point. It's just like smoking. Ughhhh. I hate this topic. Moving on....
    Gangs: GANGS HAVE GOT TO BE THE MOST STUPID THING KNOWN TO MAN!! There are a poop-load of stupid things on this earth and gangs are at the top of my list. Gangs are pointless and cause unnecessary drama between people. Who cares if he's wearing what color?!?! I bet if you sat down and talked to the guy he'd be pretty cool. But NOOOO they all get wrapped up in being "apart" of something that they don't care. Why can't we all just be the same people? I will never understand this at all and it hurts my heart to the fullest.
    Clothes/shoes/jewelry/cars: Material things are so important to this generation and it's ridiculous. I'm done here. I just really wish people would understand it's not about what you have but who you are.
    Cursing/cussing: Once again, I'm slightly guilty of this one. Cussing is stupid and that's why I've been trying to stop. It's completely ignorant and shows lack of vocabulary to express how we feel about someone or something, even reactions to situations. BUT my problem comes in where a group of kids are talking and every other word is a cuss word, yet there's an adult standing two feet away. I find that completely disrespectful and it irritates me how young people don't take that into consideration. I understand you're having a good time with your friends but at the moment in time, must you use profanity and so loud? Thats' my number one thing on this topic, please don't cuss around adults. Please.
    Sex: I should probably do some explaining on this one too before I get started. I have had sex. Only with two people because I loved them. I like sex but I don't go around having it willy nilly just because I like it. I am a christian and to some degree don't believe in sex before marriage BUT I also don't believe marriage is a couple rings and a piece of paper. I have only had sex because I felt that emotional connection. I have been celibate for about nine months because I'm actually trying to wait until I have a ring and sign the lil paper because it's more stable that way. My problem with teens and sex is that it's no longer a sacred thing between two lovers, it's turned into something vulgar. Just because you get a lil horny doesn't mean have sex with any and everybody.

Ughhhh! I don't even know what else to say anymore. This post has drained me out.


  1. you arent the only one...
    i believe that "our generation" lacks individuality and original thought. we quest to be accepted by others than self satisfaction from within. Too many people living lies...but hey...i can only control myself

  2. Girl are you not alone . Everyday I wonder what goes on in the minds of our generation . But I dont want to even understand them because then I may have to question my own sanity . Dont get me wrong I drink on occcasions but it does not rule my life . & like the person said before me our generation does lack individuality it is very sad .

  3. Girl! I agree with you on everything you said! But I really really feel you on the Gangs and Sex. Ugh they both just don't make sense to me. Like what is the point of gangs? Bc I really don't know, nor do I think there is a point. I have even had a friend/gang member "explain" and I still think it's stupid... don't get me started on sex. SMH.
