hello...? where was my memo??

I wish I would've known about this whole Love Your Body Month thingy! I saw all the things around my school and ishh but dawggonit why didn't I put two and two together?? I think it's so cool and inspiring because I could use a lil TLC with my freakin body, ya know? Well since we're two weeks well in the month I guess I won't do it this year but next year can someone puhh-leeze let me know?! :)

Shoutout to the blogger that I know is doing it:
I lovveee that blog to the fullest!

1 comment:

  1. <33 sweet, thanks love.

    but your not too late!! If you want to join in jump on in girlie, email me, adelamavila@gmail.com if you are interested! <33
