If I could teach the world one lesson...

One day I got really irritated and lost all patients that people have the audacity to walk on the left side of the sidewalk, go through the left side of the door, and walk down (or up) the stairs on the left side. It's common sense to me to walk on the right side, it's like driving, right? I told myself "If I could teach the world one lesson, it would be to walk on the right side." But then I started thinking a lot more about it and realized that there are other lessons that should be taught, I'll leave that one to someone else.

I would probably teach the world that it doesn't hurt to lend a helping hand. You won't suddenly die, I promise, nor does it hurt even the slightest. I'm actually pretty positive it would make you feel better. Having the mindset that one should give in order to receive or one should expect something in return is quite narcissistic. I don't mean you have to run out and try to save the world by cleaning out your bank account trying to feed all of the children, obviously I'm exaggerating, but my point being, you don't have to do much to help anyone out. The simplest task of helping someone gather their things after dropping them, covering the five dollars the stranger in front of you at the grocery store came short of, or even holding the door open for someone can make a difference. Actually, I would like to broaden the lesson. I would teach graciousness, compassion, and sincerity. All of which can go a long way. Too often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring...all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Of all the lessons that could possibly be taught...I'll go for this one.

What one lesson would you teach the world?


  1. I love this..
    I'm not sure what lesson I'd teach.. smh

  2. I am so guilty of walking on the wrong side of the hallway... I do that whenever I'm at Opry Mills. My best friend has to constantly tug at me and make me walk on the right side. It's really hard for me though... I can't walk in a straight line; I go sideways. =/

    Did you know, Shelburrss, that when you're walking down the street, you're supposed to walk on the LEFT side of the road? That way you can see the on-coming traffic.
