
Ive had my blogspot for a little over 9 months.
I have 94 followers.

Ive had my Tumblr for less than 3.
I have 96 followers.

The content on my Tumblr is less than adequate compared to the content on blogspot. I actually get personal and write, write whatever, on here. My Tumblr is a bunch of pictures. I guess it's true what they say; "Pictures are worth a thousand words." So maybe I am telling a little about myself, maybe I am telling a story. Then again, it's a shame what we have come to. It's a shame that fascinating languages are slowly fading away due to the lack of wanting to read or use words to describe our feelings. . .But I guess sometimes it's easier that way. I'm all sorts of confused right now. I think I'll revisit this topic at another date.


  1. I understand completly. I'm all like what the hay.

  2. I think it's amazing how you've been blogging for less than half of the time that I've been blogging and you have like eight times the number of followers. I applaud you. People, like me, really like your blog.

  3. Yeah people hate to read these days, it's the signs of things to come. sad
