College dropout.

Not quite.

I've decided that after my first year of college, I'll drop out and enroll in either cosmetology school or art school.

Why ?
I'm really not 100% sure what I want to do as a career. I understand that this is normal for a majority of college freshmen and people my age, even a few years into college some minds still aren't made up.

But that isn't my problem, deciding on what I want to do. My problem comes in that I don't think a 4 year college is for me. I may not be sure what I want to do career wise but I am 100% sure about what I want out of life. I want to start "life" as soon as I can.

I want to start making money as soon as I can to support myself. A part time job in college would be for the basics but I can't live off of part time minumin wage jobs. I just need enough money to take care of rent, food, car issues, etc...

Im not sure if 4 years & thousands of dollars is goin to get me where I want to go fast enough. Im not saying dropping out is a "short cut" not at all, and I know I wont be making a lot of money but I just need to be comfortable.
Cosmetology school is about 9 months and it isnt hard findin a job in that field. I dont see a problem with doin hair and nails to support myself. There are really good cosmetology schools that not only teach you about doing hair, but also the health aspect of it, they teach you fashion, they also teach you business so that you may potentially run your own shop.

As far as art achool, I might as well do what I love. Im an artist therefore it only makes sense. And if i go to an art school, theres always different subjects to study. For example, interior design which I am interested in, computer and HTML things which I love, advertising, fashion design, the list goes on.
So why not go to field specific schools like cosmetology and art?

And if later on in life I decided I need something more stable, college will always be there...

This is just a thought though.


  1. Now, that you've explained it, it makes a little more sense to me. If you are passionate about art, you could still study art at a four year college though... However, if you feel that a four year college is not the place for you, then, do what your heart tells you. I do want you to know that you don't have to drop out though... You can always transfer your credits over to a trade or professional school.

  2. I see nothing wrong with this at all and I totally feel you on this. I support you.

  3. I absolutely agree I did the same thing and could not be happier!

  4. I just finished my first year and I was actually think about taking time off until January. For me, it was all a bit overwhelming. And I feel you, "college will always be there."

    Good Luck in whatever you decide!

  5. That's exactly what my bestfriend is doing.. she's going to cosmotology school, just so she can have the degree and make some extra cash, then she goings back to school next year.
