"No matter how far in or out of the closet you are, you still have a next step."

I in no way dislike homosexuals. I don't hate them nor do I fear them. On the other hand, I do not agree with their lifestyle.

I'd rather not dip into religion too much but I will make a few points. Those who ridicule gays are usually the ones who consider themselves religious people that live their lives according to their faith. A few years ago, I saw a few lesbians in church and my first thought was "Why are they here?" A few months ago I realized I was wrong to question someone's attendence based on the way they live. If that we're the case, I should have first questioned myself and also others around me. Yes, they are committing a sin but that doesn't mean they don't love the Lord as I do. I sin, we all sin. So why does it matter if they are involved with the same sex? I usually think people forget that, that we all are sinners.

We make it such a big deal that we often forget that they are human also. Those who quote the bible should also keep in mind the other things that it says. If you don't know, look it up.

What I don't understand however are lesbians that have the demeanor of males, or what they are referred to as, studs. I'm sorry but that's one of the biggest contractions I've ever known.

To wrap things up, I don't argree with homosexuals but I at least treat them like humans. Don't be quick to throw the Bible in their faces because turns out, you're just a hypocrite.


  1. I couldn't have said it better!Plus, males that dress && act like women..smh It's unnecessary.

  2. Totally agree with you too. I realised they may be doing something wrong but who am I to judge?!? And me discriminating or being rude would be wrong as well

  3. I was always one of the people who believed that homosexuality is not a choice. I believe homosexuality is just naturally a part of people's lives. I've never been against homosexuality, and although going to church has been telling me different things, I still refuse to pass judgement on a person just because of their sexual orientation. Like you said, everyone sins. And like you, I'm tired of people judging homosexuals or lesbians just because of their lifestyles.
