"Damn! You losin' weight!"

I am about 5'5"-5'6" and have never been more than 130 lbs.
Around April people started telling me that I looked thinner. I've even been asked "What happened to your booty?" lol. I thought nothing about it until more and more and more people started saying things about my weight and asking me about it. I, in confusion, said that I don't what they're talking about and that I don't think I've lost any weight at all.
A few weeks ago I decided to test it out. I bought this skirt that was too small but it was too cute so I just had to buy it. I tried it on...and sure enough, it fit. Not perfectly but I got into it a lot more with ease than before.
I go on the Wii Fit scale and it said that I weighed 123lbs. I had lost 7lbs in as little as 4-5 months without trying.
The scary part is, I'm close to being underweight for my age and height, all I need to lose is 10 more lbs. If I keep losing weight like I have been, no doubt about it that it may happen. :\

I've been at my job for almost two years now and I've worn the same pair of black slacks since my first day.
When I went in today my coworker asked if I was wearing my sister's pants. (My sister is a lot bigger than I am.) I told him no, that they were mine and his response was "Damn! You losin' weight!"

I don't know what's going on but I don't like it. I've been trying to past 130 for yearss!
This is so frustrating...


  1. oh my. how i wish i had this problem instead of the opposite.

  2. If your eating a lot of junk food now a days that can make you loose more weight then you gain sometimes (my doctor told me that).. although, I wish I had your problem.

  3. I have the same problem but I have always been in the 95-100 pds.range. I HATE when people say I'm losing weight. But I had to start taking multivitamins {One A Day Women's} because I was barely eating (too much studying && not enough eating) && I see a difference in my weight already. [It's only been 3 days!]

  4. I have noticed that you have gotten a little thinner as well... I don't know if losing weight for no reason is a good thing... Especially if you're not trying to. I don't know what to tell you to help you out. You could always do what I did to gain these 20 some odd lbs I didn't want to gain. Eat everything, drink lots of soda, and then, lay around on the couch. That will do it for you.

  5. love your self in all forms if your healthy that's all that matter its nothing wrong with being 123 i think its sexy i think you shouldn't worry about such small things.
