Day 16 — Someone that’s not in my country and state.

    Foreigners, I'm sure most of you see America as a land of opportunity or a way to escape your peril's in your homeland. That may be the case but beyond our freedom, America is filled with greedy people, hatred, and corrupt minds. We waste food, use bad language, kill one another, and spend millions of dollars on entertainment that more than likely will be forgotten the following year. America's not all that cracked up to be. But on the brighter side, we have deep fried Twinkles, Do-nut Burgers, Malls bigger than most cities, the LA Lakers, Obama, ice cream trucks (but they're evil), mountains with heads carved out of them, Happy Meals, a billion different fast food joints, The Apollo Theater, fast cars, American Idol, Crayola crayons, Mardi Gras, cable, Chicken and Waffles, the list goes on... Did I rub in this great nation of mine? Im sorry, keep in mind that we're filled with rage and hatred. :)
    Out of staters, Contrary to what you may believe, Tennessee isn't a state full of redneck hillbillies walking around wearing overalls with no shoes on and straw in their mouths. We have big cities and street lights. We wear the latest fashions and Nikes. Although it may not be the most exciting state compared to others, we have legends that resided here, vast history, and I'm pretty sure it's the most diverse state. We have top notch colleges, a replica of the Parthenon, the best Aquarium, and our weather is perfection sometimes. :) Tennessee also has two of the best high schools in the country, one of which I am a graduate of, Hume Fogg. :)
Tennessee American,

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