I feel as though I'm not apart of my boyfriends life.

It's as if we're living in two different worlds.

I understand that we are two different people,

with our own lives to live but . . .

It's him and his life; his family, his friends, his plans. . .

. . .and then there's me, in the back somewhere.

I'm not sure if this makes any sense but it's how I feel.

It's how I've always felt. . .


  1. have u expressed these feelings with jalen? u and him should work together to get over this hump that you have about the relationship. if you cant then maybe u should spend some time being single.so u can evaluate why you have certain feelings, and then try to find someone that doesnt provoke those feelings in you.

  2. well...id say thats what a relationship IS..2 individuals whose lives meet somewhere in the middle. Its important to have ME time aswell as the WE time. But thats just generally speaking

    But voice to him how you are wanting to be a part of his life. MORE incorporation of girlfriend/boyfriend comes with time

  3. i feel this way also. if only there were a way to make those worlds colide...
