— My reflection.

Dear Shelby,
I know you've been going through some things in these past few months, or years I should say. It'll be okay and it'll all be over soon. You know how I know? 'Cause you have people in your life that love you and that support you more than you'll probably ever realize. It doesn't matter how lonely you get, just remember that you are not alone in this cold and scary world.

Never again should you wallow in your self pity nor the pity of others. If you feel sadness, let it out. Scream, cry, talk to someone, anyone. There are people who are always willing to listen, including the Lord. You are a beautiful, intelligent woman with a bright future just waiting for you. Go for that future. Don't let the fears of today hurt you tomorrow. Nothing and no one can hold you back...but you.

You're a genuinely happy person. I know you are. It's just trying to escape from the depths of your soul. Show everyone who you really are and what you're made of. The little things in life, remember them. The disappointments, let them go. Anything you do in life is "never a failure, always a lesson." Learn from them and teach others.

Remember those words you wrote awhile ago, "Keeping myself, family and friends happy is my mission...Too often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring...all of which have the potential to turn a life around." Of course you remember, you can never forget. What I want you to do is not just know these words but make them apart of your life and keep them close to your heart. Keep the ones you love closer and never let them go. If they do go, I hope that they've etched their mark into your bones so that they may be a part of you forever. Let them leave their mark...

Live Shelby. Simply live. This is your life. You are in control of your destiny.
Build your relationship with God for you will for sure be on the right path to happiness for the rest of your life.

I love you.


P.S- I skipped day 28 and 29 on purpose. This was way more important. More than any of you may realize.


  1. I'm so proud of you, Shelburrss. You have grown up into such a beautiful, intelligent, and mature young woman. I know you will go far in life, and I'm so happy that you're finally telling yourself so.

  2. this was a great post...i may just have to do the same:)

    sometimes we do need to dive deep in realize our true beauty and flaws. we are human and its ok.

