"Honey, would you put a bumper sticker on a Bentley?"

Kim Kardashian couldn't have said it better.

I know I recently said I was back on the tattoo train, but I just can't. Firstly, I won't get one for respect of Jalen who is 100% agaisnt them. Then, my body is fine the way it is. Will getting a tattoo change how I feel about myself? It certainly won't be for the better if it does change. And lastly, it would not kill me if I never get one. I don't think I'll ever regret not getting a tattoo. Seriously, I don't need it. Oh, and lets not forget about the pain, the money, and the "addiction."

As long as I'm with Jalen, as long as I live under my mothers roof, and as long as I continue to love my body just the way it is, I vow to never get a tattoo.


  1. Tattoos aren't that bad. Some people just get silly/crazy tattoos. It's just a permanent representation of you in another form of art. But ultimately, it's really up to you to make that decision. It is your body.

    P.S.- Not that it matters, but I totally disagree with Kim. Being viewed by millions of strangers having sex is way worse than getting a tattoo. She's a hoopty now, lol.

    Jasmine Samone

  2. Dead at "She's a hoopty now," lol. Omgoodness.

    I like what Kim said though... It makes a lot of sense. I still plan on getting 6-7 tattoos though. One question though: How long do you plan on living under your mother's roof?

  3. That's one thing I have ALWAYS vowed to...I am not a coloring book. Its not like you'll be unique for it because EVERYBODY has one. :-/ Your more unique without one sense it seems more rare to spot a person without one.

  4. @ Jasmine -I'm not saying tattoos are bad. If you look at it in a religious sense, then yeah, they are.
    And yes, I know it's my decision and I choose not to. Because like I said, I won't regret not getting one. I just really don't think they're for me.

    @ Jenn- Yeah that was pretty funny. Lol. But I don't plan to live under her roof in another 2-3 years. If I have to, I don't mind staying awhile so that I may save for a home after college. We'll see. But certainly, not when I'm 25.

    @ Ravyn - I know right! I'll stand out WITHOUT a tattoo. I mos def stand out without a perm. :D
