"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how." -Friedrich Nietzsche

Lately I've slowly been losing my mind and I've come to realize that it's my lack of social interaction that has caused my state of being. No, it isn't depression; I'm honestly slowly going insane. Almost everyday I am usually home alone because I am the only one in my household that doesn't have a car, nor a lisence for that matter, so they are off doing their own things, whether it be work or social events. And where am I? Home, on the computer. The reason I am always on the computer is because it's the closet thing I have to other humans. Sounds crazy? Well it's the truth. The web gives me a break from reality and I can see and read things that may pertain to my life or what I would like my life to be. Not in the sense of "Oh, I hate my life I was I was her." but more in the sense of "That is so cool. I would love to do that." or "I would love to have that."
Back to my focus on human interaction. If someone has too much time alone, it can actually be dangerous to their health. It's absolutely a necessity for good human health to be around one another human and express thoughts, ideas, emotions, etc... We crave to grow and blossom our being.
"Why do we experience loneliness? Boredom even? Why is it that one cannot find contentment, joy, happiness remaining alone?"

A very large part of our brains is mainly concern of human interaction. People may think that us who were born in the last 20 years or so should never claim to be bored because we have a television with 200+ channels, video games, cell phones, the internet... But take off you "21st century glasses" and think. Back then they didn't have these things, they had each other.

It's human nature to want to feel someone else, touch, hear, talk to, see someone else. We need others in order to survive.
This is why I'm slowly losing my mind.

Great Read: The Bet by Anton Chekhov


  1. why don't you just go out with you boyfriend some more!?!?! yall are like the most distant couples i know!

  2. OH MY GOSH! I swear I am going through the same EXACT thing! I think that's why I ♥ your blog...I can relate on sooo many levels!!

    Oh && my boyfriend is always outta town too...it's a long distance relationship :-/

  3. You're not alone on this . I spend the majority of my life in my "sanctuary" , my room , on my mac , surfing websites about me or things that I'm into . Little human interaction . Sometimes I think I'm crazy too. But I go out every now and then and I'm sure you do too. If we stayed SERIOUSLY confined to our rooms then we'd have a problem. LOL. But I feel you. You're not strange, were just un-selfishly self absorbed and self evaluating. Nothing wrong with discovering more and more about yourself, who you are, and what you like :)
